četvrtak, 3. srpnja 2008.,03:56
The rabbit on the Moon
Let me tell you a story. I read it in one of my favorite book by H. Šalković- The rabbit on the Moon (Zec na Mjesecu).

The legend says that once upon a time, in a land far, far away lived a rabbit, fox and a monkey. They were the only habitants in that land, and they promised each other to live in harmony and peace, trying to stop the loneliness they felt by doing that.
High on the Moon, above their heads, lived gods and used to watch them in discredit. Imposible- the Gods thought. The whole world is filled with hate and jealousy and how do these animals live in such a unity?! Because of that, the gods decided that one of them come down and attempt that harmony of animals` loyalty. The legend says that god named Taishakuten came down, dressed like old, week man.
"Help me, please!" told the old man to the animals. "A long journey and a bunch of undone works are waiting for me, and I am hungry and thirsty."
Seeing an opportunity to prove their nobility, the monkey and the fox ran through the woods and bring to an old man a bunch of food. The rabbit also tried to find something in the woods, but small and weak as he was, he couldn`t bring anything to an old man. Ashamed, he returned to an old man saying to him:
"I am very sorry, but i still didn`t find anything. I`ll try one more time. In the meantime, you turn on a fire."
All that time, the monkey and the fox were looking a little rabbit with a derision. Smiling and mocking to him, they watched him running back in the woods.
After a while, the rabbit returned from the woods, again without a thing. He stopped for a while, sadly looked at the old man and jumped into the fire, becoming a food that will save a powerless man.
Legend says that Taishakuten, touched with this unselfish sacrifice, decided to took the little rabbit to the Moon.
That has happened a long time ago, but even today, in the nights of full Moon, raise your head up and look into the yellow disc in the sky. Look carefully, and you will see the little rabbit`s silhouette. He lives upstairs because the good old man took him with himself...
posted by Boo
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nedjelja, 9. prosinca 2007.,10:16
The place where everything began :)
So here it is.
Boo has finally found her new home, and it would be...right here :)
She unpacked her coffer, and going to leave her thoughts on this very address.
Now she hopes that this is gonna be the place she was searching for while she was wandering for a long time...
A place to leave her soul... A place to make her dreams come true...

It is a gloomy, spooky night...
And right now... The story of little Boo begins...
posted by Boo
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